By Caritas Outreach Ministries .

*1 can chicken, drained and rinsed

*1 small onion chopped

1-2 stalks celery chopped

salt and pepper to taste

*about 1/2 – 1 cup grated cheese

Mayonnaise to taste

Mix all ingredients together and just enough mayo to hold things together.

*Consume as is or as a sandwich.
*Double the recipe and place in a casserole dish, top with cheesy cracker crumbs or bread crumbs and bake at 325 -350 degrees until cheese is melted and bubbly.
*Spread on toasted English muffin and broil until cheese is melted and bubbly.

*Try subbing tuna fish in place of chicken.
*Likely to be available at Caritas.

February 2021