Donate Online with Paypal
Donate by Check
Send checks payable to “Caritas Food Bank” and deliver to:
Caritas Food Bank
1228 W. Nebraska Ave
Spokane, WA 99205
In-Kind Donations
Food & Necessity donations can be delivered to Caritas during normal hours of operation: Monday, Wednesday & Thursday – 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM.

Support Caritas through Planned Giving
Secure Your Legacy and Support Caritas Food Bank’s Future with Planned Giving
Dear Valued Caritas Supporter,
Your support of Caritas Food Bank over the years has made a significant difference to the lives of those we serve. Because of your generosity, we have been able to move into a larger building, serve more clients, provide more services, and offer a personalized food distribution program. We are truly grateful for your ongoing commitment to our mission. If you would like to further strengthen your impact and create a legacy, please consider including Caritas in your estate plan. Through planned giving, you can ensure that your values and commitment to provide food and necessities to our neighbors will continue and make a difference for future generations. Planned giving is a powerful way to contribute to the long-term financial health and stability of our organization. It provides the resources we need to continue our vital work and expand our outreach.Some popular planned giving options include:
1. Charitable Bequests: Designate Caritas Food Bank as a beneficiary in your will or living trust, which allows you to allocate a specific amount or percentage of your estate to support our mission.
2. Life Insurance Policies: Name Caritas Food Bank as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy, turning a modest investment into a significant gift.
3. Retirement Plans: Designate Caritas Food Bank as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other retirement plan, potentially providing tax benefits to your estate.
4. Charitable Gift Annuities: Create a charitable gift annuity that provides you with a steady income stream during your lifetime, while supporting Caritas Food Bank with the remaining funds.
5. Retained Life Estates: donate a piece of real estate that you own and that you would still use during your lifetime.
We recommend discussing planned giving options with your financial or legal advisor to determine which approach best suits your situation.
Once again, thank you for your continued support of Caritas Food Bank and our mission to help our neighbors in need. Your legacy of giving will continue to inspire and make a lasting impact on the lives of those we serve.
With gratitude,
Christine Tabat, Executive Director
Board of Directors, Caritas Food Bank
We appreciate any and all donations!