Little Free Pantries
Scattered across the nation, Little Free Pantries have been popping up as a new way to bless your neighbors. These boxes provide 24/7 access to food and hygiene products in a hyper-local setting. Caritas Food Bank planted pantries in NW Spokane that are regularly stocked by our volunteers and community members.
Engage with your neighbors about Little Free Pantries at the Little Free Pantry Spokane Facebook Group:
You can learn more about Little Free Pantries and how they benefit your community by visiting:
Edible Inland Northwest
Spokesman Review
The first four pantries launched in our 2018 pilot program were sponsored by the Spokane Rotary 21 Club. The pantries were frequented by locals both taking and giving food items. A note was left in one pantry that read:
“You guys have no idea the blessing you have created when I found this house full of food. I was very defeated. I couldn’t believe how huge of a sign God had shown me. I was crying and so hungry. Also, I couldn’t feed my family and I asked God if he could please help, then I turned my head and saw your little food house. There is 12 people and then some in our house. So Thank you so much.”

With that, Caritas was eager to plant more pantries! NW Harvest joined our mission and helped fund the materials to build several more LFPs. Caritas also partnered with some area churches who were launching their own pantries. We hope to continue to grow this mini-ministry and encourage donors to adopt their closest pantry to bless a neighbor.